
Vibration Plates for Lipedema and Lymphedema

If you have researched lipedema or lymphedema, you have almost certainly come across mentions of whole-body vibration and vibration plates. But what exactly does the research say about vibration plates for lipedema? What is the best vibration plate for lipedema and lymphatic drainage? Once you have one, how do you use a vibration plate for…

If you have researched lipedema or lymphedema, you have almost certainly come across mentions of whole-body vibration and vibration plates. But what exactly does the research say about vibration plates for lipedema? What is the best vibration plate for lipedema and lymphatic drainage? Once you have one, how do you use a vibration plate for lipedema? Read on for these answers and watch the video for a demonstration of how I’ve used my vibration plate over the past three years to improve my lipedema symptoms.

Discussion of the benefits of whole-body vibration for lipedema, the best vibration plate for lipedema, and a demonstration of how to use a vibration plate for lipedema or lymphedema.

Whole-body vibration can be a helpful conservative treatment for lipedema and lymphedema because the gentle vibration stimulate increased circulation and lymphatic drainage. Bonus, it is also very relaxing. However, be sure to check with your health care team before adding it to your self-care routine. There are contraindications for us, including recent joint surgeries, pregnancy, and some heart conditions. Your doctor is in the best position to tell you if it’s a safe and healthy option for you.

What does vibration plate do for lipedema?

Research shows that vibration plates help lipedema symptoms in several key ways. A study in Physiotherapy Theory and Practice in 2018 detailed findings of a study that combined vibration therapy with manual lymph drainage massage (MLD). The 32 participants, all women diagnosed with lipedema, were divided into two groups. One group received only MLD and the other group did vibration therapy before getting MLD. The group that used the vibration therapy had statistically significant reductions in their lipedema as well as improvements in their quality of life. It would be nice to see that replicated with a larger sample, but still, that’s awesome.

A second study published in Complementary Therapies in Medicine in 2022 did a systematic review and meta-analysis of 30 studies looking at bone density and vibration, including commercially available vibration plates. Looking across these studies, they found that vibration therapy and vibration plates can help increase bone density in healthy and post-menopausal women. That’s an important finding across the board, not just for those of us with lipedema and lymphedema!

What is the best vibration plate for lipedema?

The key feature to look for in a vibration plate for lipedema is oscillation. This means that it will rock slightly side to side and up and down while it vibrates, a key for stimulating lymphatic drainage. The LifePro Waver is the one I’ve been using for the past three years. It’s simple to use, affordable compared to many other models, and… sturdy! The Waver has a posted weight limit of 330 pounds – yep, I’ve nearly been there – but it’s important to remember that is the weight limit standing. There are many other ways you can use your vibration plate that won’t put your full body weight on it. So, if you want to use your vibration plate standing, it’s important to shop around for an appropriate weight limit but you don’t need to limit yourself if you are open to other modifications for using it.

How to Use a Vibration Plate for Lipedema

Toward the end of this post’s video I demonstrate how I use my vibration plate as part of my lipedema self-care routine so be sure to watch that. A few key points:

  • Easy does it – You don’t need to use a high setting when using vibration for lymphatic drainage. The Waver has speeds all the way up to 99 but I never get anywhere close to that high. I use the pre-programmed programs that change speeds every few minutes and throughout the week I cycle through programs 0 through 3, none of which get above speed 20. You can certainly use higher settings for other health benefits, but the low settings should feel incredibly relaxing and provide some relief.
  • Bare it All and Embrace the Jiggle – In the demonstration I’m wearing my pink CZ Salus compression leggings but that’s just because I already had them on and it made it easier to see my legs against the dark background. You’ll want to embrace the jiggle and wear a pair of loose, comfy sweatpants or nothing at all. You might feel silly the first few times, but you’ll get over that pretty quickly! I use mine without shoes because they dampen the vibration but you can certainly wear sock or shoes if the platform is uncomfortable.
  • Don’t over do it – You can use vibration too much. Start with 15 minutes once or twice a day and see how you feel. For reference, I use mine for 15 minutes in the evening before using my pneumatic compression pump (remember the study about vibration before MLD?). For a few months I also used it in the mornings before putting on my compression, but I’m not really a morning person so that was hard to maintain.
  • What to do with your vibration plate? Just about whatever you want! The most common way to use it, and what you’ll see people doing in the ads, is standing on it. I also like the variations of dancing or using free weights. If you need something more stable or relaxing, try sitting on the couch or even popping it under your desk while you are working. You can try sitting right on the plate to give your glutes and hips some love or, my favorite, lie on the floor and rest your feet and calves on the plate. Walking miles a day means my calves are always tight and this little massage feels amazing. I can also chill out and meditate while I’m down on the floor. Headspace is my go-to meditation app and has great sessions focused on topics like self-compassion and befriending our bodies. What could be more lovely for lipedema women? You can try it out for free.

Have you used a vibration plate to manage lipedema or lymphedema symptoms? How has it helped you and what’s your favorite way to use it? Let us know below in the comments.

If you make a purchase through an Amazon link in this post, I may receive a small commission but that’s never why I recommend something.

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Responses to “Vibration Plates for Lipedema and Lymphedema”

  1. Marjorie

    Thank you for the prompt to do vibration before MLD which I just learned. This Hypervibe link might be of interest to you. https://www.hypervibe.com/au/blog/whole-body-vibration-exercises-for-a-congested-lymphatic-system/

    I could not comment on YouTube because I do not have a google account.


    1. Rebekah

      Thanks for sharing, Marjorie! I’ll check out the Hypervibe. ❤


  2. Joan W Fell

    Just watched YouTube video by Deb Pelletier who is somewhat an expert and owns an exercise studio with classes using vibration machines. She demonstrated exercises that included getting in the floor to vibrate calves. She even demonstrated sitting on vibration plate to provide direct vibrations to the glutes. So Rebekah you are not alone…lol


  3. Janet

    If you have a pacemaker, check with your doctor before you purchase a vibration plate. I am unable to use one because I have a pacemaker/implanted defibrillator.


    1. Rebekah

      Great point, Janet! There are some important contraindications people should discuss with their doctors, including having a pacemaker.


      1. Janet

        Thank you ! I had one ordered and then thought I better ask before I just start using it and that is when I found out. It never even dawned on me that I wouldn’t be able to use it.


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